Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Phew, it's been awhile. With CES over, not much is happening. But good news! The long awaited Apple TV finally rolls out its specs. Well kind of... Geek friends at Apple have popped the silvery top and discovered a 1GHz processor from the good people at Intel, codenamed "Crofton". It's a sucktacular name, but whatever. We're not here to judge. NVIDIA threw in a 64MB card for video purposes. 256MB of DDR2 RAM running at 400MHz compliments a 40GB hard drive. Oddly enough, the Apple TV can't function as its own wireless router, despite the 802.11 n antenna hidden within. A USB port is in the rear of this little magic box, which Apple claims is for "services and diagnostics", but I'm sure someone will hack it and have linux up and running in now time via a bootable flash drive. All in all, this little box has plenty of horsepower to run the apps it needs to, but don't expect any miracles from Apple's mini TiVo wanna be.

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