Thursday, January 4, 2007

I remember...

I remember once a very long while ago, there was a thing called common sense. Anyone out there remember it? Come on someone must... comment me if you find some please? I mean really, an 11-year-old child, Wallison Costa would absolutely adore it! Make sure you save a little for his friend Bruno Potzoony... Wallison Costa is currently hospitalized in intensive care for serious head injuries he sustained while jumping out the second-story window of his Philly apartment onto pavement, in an attempt to imitate a scene from "Jackass 2". Hmm... Funny really. The name "Wallison Costa" almost sounds like "Hello I'm a total fucking moron." Costa has reportedly done it more than once... and he and his friend have apparently imitated every stunt in the movie! Bruno didn't quite know what to do when Costa lept from the window, got caught on some cable lines fell headfirst on the driveway below. Bruno almost got a clue when his mom came home and found Costa unconscious on the ground in a pool of blood... Hm. Guess what kiddies? Disclaimers mean: DON'T FUCKING DO IT. phew. Guess what else little boys and girls? JUMPING OUT WINDOWS HURTS. Try and wrap your head around it. Once upon a time, people didn't jump out of a window because a trained stunt coordinator planned a similar event. Once upon a time children didn't injure themselves for laughs. How many bloody driveways will it take America to lock the second story windows?

1 comment:

Jill. hmm. said...

i remember that.
it was pretty cool back then,huh?
and it's funny how on jackass it says " do not attempt these stunts" or something like that.

i wonder sometimes.