Thursday, March 29, 2007

1n ur ph4c3 n00b

I'm getting back into updating this, I... SWEAR. Here's the deal... Remember Gattaca? Yeah a pretty decent Ethan Hawke flick from the late 90s... yeah me either. Well, the whole point of it was that you can't define someone by their genetic makeup and various DNA nuances. Well, Bioscrypt is trying damn hard to make sure that we get there as fast as possible. Always being at the head of physical access technology, (fingerprint scanners etc.) They've set new market standards with their new VisionAccess 3D DeskCam. Yup, your mug will now be on every IT d00dz desk and the world will be mocking you, but hey, at least your computer will be secure? While extremely accurate, the VisionAccess 3D DeskCam manages to stay quite noninvasive. Taking up virtually no space on the desk, (3 inches tall and a half inch wide) this bad boy connects via a single USB port to a lappy or desktop. This bitch'll be coming atcha in the second half of '07... keep your eyes peeled.

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